


許中華 / Chung-Hua Hsu

1.國立陽明交通大學中醫學系 教授
2.國立陽明交通大學傳統醫藥研究所 合聘教授 
2.臺北市立聯合醫院林森中醫昆明院區 中醫師

(02) 2826 7000 # 67053 (辦公室) / # 66489 (實驗室)




13.109年史丹佛大學發布(台灣中醫師)前2 %頂尖科學影響力排行榜。
15.112年中國醫藥大學 中西醫結合研究所傑出校友 (112/6)
16.112年中醫師公會全國聯合會中醫藥優良學術著作獎 (112/10)



1. 中醫醫藥學概論
2. 君臣佐使~整合醫療新視野
3. 扶正的力量

1. 財團法人臺東縣私立芸生社會福利慈善基金會 董事長
2. 社團法人中華芸生會 創會理事長
3. 社團法人台灣寬心癌症關懷協會 創會理事長



    1. Hsu, C.H., K.C. Hwang, C.L. Chao, H.H. Chang, and P. Chou, Electroacupuncture in obese women: a randomized, controlled pilot study. J Womens Health (Larchmt), 2005. 14(5): p. 434-40. (IF: 3.5)
    2. Hsu, C.H., K.C. Hwang, C.L. Chao, J.G. Lin, S.T. Kao, and P. Chou, Effects of electroacupuncture in reducing weight and waist circumference in obese women: a randomized crossover trial. Int J Obes (Lond), 2005. 29(11): p. 1379-84. (IF: 4.9)
    3. Hsu, C.H., Y. Hua, G.P. Jong, C.L. Chao, J.Y. Liu, K.C. Hwang, and P. Chou, Shock resuscitation with acupuncture: case report. Emerg Med J, 2006. 23(3): p. e18. (IF: 1.5)
    4. Hsu, C.H., K.C. Hwang, C.L. Chao, S.G. Chang, M.S. Ho, and P. Chou, Can herbal medicine assist against avian flu? Learning from the experience of using supplementary treatment with Chinese medicine on SARS or SARS-like infectious disease in 2003. J Altern Complement Med, 2006. 12(6): p. 505-6. (IF: 2.6)
    5. Hsu, C.H., K.C. Hwang, C.L. Chao, S.G. Chang, C.C. Ker, L.C. Chien, M.S. Ho, J.G. Lin, Y.M. Chen, and P. Chou, The lesson of supplementary treatment with Chinese medicine on severe laboratory-confirmed SARS patients. Am J Chin Med, 2006. 34(6): p. 927-35. (IF: 5.7)
    6. Hsu, C.H., S.G. Chang, K.C. Hwang, and P. Chou, Impact of obesity on coronary artery calcification examined by electron beam computed tomographic scan. Diabetes Obes Metab, 2007. 9(3): p. 354-9. (IF: 5.8)
    7. Hsu, C.H., Y.L. Liao, S.C. Lin, K.C. Hwang, and P. Chou, The mushroom Agaricus Blazei Murill in combination with metformin and gliclazide improves insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes: a randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Altern Complement Med, 2007. 13(1): p. 97-102. (IF: 2.6)
    8. Hsu, C.-H., S.-C. Lin, K.-C. Hwang, L.-N. Shih, and Y.-L. Liao, Lower leptin concentration in Type 2 diabetic men. Journal of Men’s Health, 2008. 5(3): p. 239-244. (IF: 0.7)
    9. Hsu, C.H., S.G. Chang, K.C. Hwang, C.F. Kuo, H.H. Chang, and P.H. Chou, The impact of the menopause on coronary artery calcification examined by multislice computed tomography scanning. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis, 2008. 18(4): p. 306-13. (IF: 3.9)
    10. Hsu, C.H., P. Chou, K.C. Hwang, and S.C. Lin, Impact of obesity on young healthy male adults. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis, 2008. 18(5): p. e19-20. (IF: 3.9)
    11. Hsu, C.H., K.C. Hwang, C.L. Chao, S.G. Chang, M.S. Ho, J.G. Lin, H.H. Chang, S.T. Kao, Y.M. Chen, and P. Chou, An Evaluation of the Additive Effect of Natural Herbal Medicine on SARS or SARS-like Infectious Diseases in 2003: A Randomized, Double-blind, and Controlled Pilot Study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2008. 5(3): p. 355-62. (IF: 2.65)
    12. Hsu, C.H., K.C. Hwang, Y.H. Chiang, and P. Chou, The mushroom Agaricus blazei Murill extract normalizes liver function in patients with chronic hepatitis B. J Altern Complement Med, 2008. 14(3): p. 299-301. (IF: 2.6)
    13. Hsu, C.H., T.H. Tsai, Y.H. Kao, K.C. Hwang, T.Y. Tseng, and P. Chou, Effect of green tea extract on obese women: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Clin Nutr, 2008. 27(3): p. 363-70. (IF: 6.3)
    14. Chung-Hua Hsu1, S.G.N.C., Kung-Chang Hwang3, Lin-Huang Huang4 and Cheng-Hung Cheng5,* Necrotizing Lung Nodules of Wegener’s Granulomatosis Treated with Chinese Herbal Medicine: A Three Years Follow-Up Case Report. The Open Complementary Medicine Journal, 2009. 1: p. 69-72.
    15. Hsu, C.H., C.J. Wang, K.C. Hwang, T.Y. Lee, P. Chou, and H.H. Chang, The effect of auricular acupuncture in obese women: a randomized controlled trial. J Womens Health (Larchmt), 2009. 18(6): p. 813-8. (IF: 3.5)
    16. Hsu, C.H., Y.L. Liao, S.C. Lin, T.H. Tsai, C.J. Huang, and P. Chou, Does supplementation with green tea extract improve insulin resistance in obese type 2 diabetics? A randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled clinical trial. Altern Med Rev, 2011. 16(2): p. 157-63. (IF: 3.833)
    17. Huang, Y.-Z., M.-W. Hsieh, C.-H. Hung, and C.-H. Hsu, Improved Pulmonary Inflammation and Fibrosis Progression after Influenza A (H1N1) Infection by Chinese Herbal Medicine: A Case Report. ISRN Pulmonology, 2011. 2011: p. 676038.
    18. Lai, J.C.-Y., J.-R. Chen, Y.-J. Chen, C.-H. Hsu, T.-Y. Wang, Y.-C. Yang, T.-H. Su, T.-H. Tsai, and K.-L. Wang, Villoglandular Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix: An Analysis of 12 Clinical Cases. International Journal of Gerontology, 2011. 5(1): p. 49-52. (IF: 0.3)
    19. Chang, L.H., C.H. Hsu, G.P. Jong, S. Ho, S.L. Tsay, and K.C. Lin, Auricular acupressure for managing postoperative pain and knee motion in patients with total knee replacement: a randomized sham control study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2012. 2012: p. 528452. (IF: 2.65)
    20. Chen, I.J., M.Y. Chang, S.L. Chiao, J.L. Chen, C.C. Yu, S.H. Yang, J.M. Liu, C.C. Hung, R.C. Yang, H.C. Chang, C.H. Hsu, and J.T. Fang, Korean red ginseng improves blood pressure stability in patients with intradialytic hypotension. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2012. 2012: p. 595271. (IF: 2.65)
    21. Chien, T.J., Y.L. Song, C.P. Lin, and C.H. Hsu, The correlation of traditional chinese medicine deficiency syndromes, cancer related fatigue, and quality of life in breast cancer patients. J Tradit Complement Med, 2012. 2(3): p. 204-10. (IF: 4.5)
    22. Chung-Hua Hsu, Y.-L.L., Su-Ching Lin, Pesus Chou, Adiponectin Level Predicts HDL-Cholesterol Level in Type 2 Diabetes. The Open Atherosclerosis & Thrombosis Journal, 2012. 5: p. 1-5.
    23. Hsu, C.-H. and S.-C. Lin, Obese young male adults are at high risk for developing medical problems: a community survey of 8080 in Taiwan. Journal of Men’s Health, 2012. 9(3): p. 198-204. (IF: 0.7)
    24. Hsu, C.H., C.J. Lee, T.J. Chien, C.P. Lin, C.H. Chen, M.J. Yuen, and Y.L. Lai, The Relationship between Qi Deficiency, Cancer-related Fatigue and Quality of Life in Cancer Patients. J Tradit Complement Med, 2012. 2(2): p. 129-35. (IF: 4.5)
    25. Huang, L.H., Y.L. Liao, and C.H. Hsu, Waist circumference is a better predictor than body mass index of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes. Obes Res Clin Pract, 2012. 6(4): p. e263-346. (IF: 4.3)
    26. Lien, C.-Y., L.-L. Liao, P. Chou, and C.-H. Hsu, Effects of auricular stimulation on obese women: A randomized, controlled clinical trial. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2012. 4(1): p. e45-e53. (IF: 2.5)
    27. Lin, W., C.Y. Liu, C.L. Tang, and C.H. Hsu, Acupuncture and small needle scalpel therapy in the treatment of calcifying tendonitis of the gluteus medius: a case report. Acupunct Med, 2012. 30(2): p. 142-3. (IF: 2.5)
    28. Song, Y.L., C.Y. Lien, J.P. Chiu, C.M. Luo, C.Y. Liu, I.J. Chen, and C.H. Hsu, Relationship between Obesity-related Hormone Peptides and Quality of Life in Obese Women among Different Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome Groups. J Tradit Complement Med, 2012. 2(1): p. 61-6. (IF: 4.5)
    29. Chien, T.J., C.P. Lin, Y.L. Song, and C.H. Hsu, The impact of chemotherapy in cancer patients: reflection on traditional Chinese symptom complex, cancer-related fatigue, and quality of life. Holist Nurs Pract, 2013. 27(5): p. 273-81. (IF: 1.3)
    30. Chien, T.J., C.Y. Liu, and C.H. Hsu, Integrating acupuncture into cancer care. J Tradit Complement Med, 2013. 3(4): p. 234-9. (IF: 4.5)
    31. Hsu, C.H., Different impacts of metabolic syndrome components on insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes. Int J Endocrinol, 2013. 2013: p. 740419. (IF: 2.8)
    32. Lee, C.J., C.H. Cheng, Y.H. Li, C.Y. Liu, and C.H. Hsu, A Chinese medicine, Kuan-Sin-Yin decoction, improves liver function in hepatitis B virus carriers: a randomized, controlled study. J Altern Complement Med, 2013. 19(12): p. 964-9. (IF: 2.6)
    33. Luo, C.M., Y.L. Song, L.H. Huang, C.Y. Liu, I.J. Chen, and C.H. Hsu, The correlation of lab data, hormone peptides, quality of life, and different traditional chinese medicine syndrome groups in type 2 diabetes patients. J Tradit Complement Med, 2013. 3(2): p. 126-33. (IF: 4.5)
    34. Chen, I.J., W.C. Lin, C.Y. Liu, Y.L. Song, J.P. Chiu, and C.H. Hsu, Impact of hypoalphalipoproteinemia on quality of life in Taiwanese women with central obesity. Qual Life Res, 2014. 23(5): p. 1619-27. (IF: 3.5)
    35. Chiu, J.H., C.J. Chang, J.C. Wu, H.J. Liu, C.S. Wen, C.H. Hsu, J.L. Chen, L.M. Tseng, W.S. Chen, and Y.M. Shyr, Screening to Identify Commonly Used Chinese Herbs That Affect ERBB2 and ESR1 Gene Expression Using the Human Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cell Line. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2014. 2014: p. 965486. (IF: 2.65)
    36. Li, T.F., C.C. Lin, H.P. Tsai, C.H. Hsu, and S.L. Fu, Effects of Kuan-Sin-Yin decoction on immunomodulation and tumorigenesis in mouse tumor models. BMC Complement Altern Med, 2014. 14: p. 488. (IF: 3.9)
    37. Liu, C.Y., C.J. Huang, L.H. Huang, I.J. Chen, J.P. Chiu, and C.H. Hsu, Effects of green tea extract on insulin resistance and glucagon-like peptide 1 in patients with type 2 diabetes and lipid abnormalities: a randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled trial. PLoS One, 2014. 9(3): p. e91163. (IF: 3.7)
    38. Yu-Yun Chang, L.-Y.W., Chia-Yu Liu, Chung-Hua Hsu, Effect of kuan sin yin and buddhism-based program on quality of life in cancer outpatients: a pilot study. Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine, 2014. 11(1): p. 5-13.
    39. Chien, T.J., C.Y. Liu, Y.F. Chang, C.J. Fang, and C.H. Hsu, Acupuncture for treating aromatase inhibitor-related arthralgia in breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Altern Complement Med, 2015. 21(5): p. 251-60. (IF: 2.6)
    40. Lu, P.H. and C.H. Hsu, Body mass index is negatively associated with acne lesion counts in Taiwanese women with post-adolescent acne. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 2015. 29(10): p. 2046-50. (IF: 9.2)
    41. Chen, I.J., C.Y. Liu, J.P. Chiu, and C.H. Hsu, Therapeutic effect of high-dose green tea extract on weight reduction: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Clin Nutr, 2016. 35(3): p. 592-9. (IF: 6.3)
    42. Chien, T.J., C.Y. Liu, P.H. Ko, and C.H. Hsu, A Chinese Decoction, Kuan-Sin-Yin, Improves Autonomic Function and Cancer-Related Symptoms of Metastatic Colon Cancer. Integr Cancer Ther, 2016. 15(1): p. 113-23. (IF: 2.9)
    43. Chien, T.J., C.Y. Liu, R.H. Lu, C.W. Kuo, Y.C. Lin, and C.H. Hsu, Therapeutic efficacy of Traditional Chinese medicine, “Kuan-Sin-Yin”, in patients undergoing chemotherapy for advanced colon cancer – A controlled trial. Complement Ther Med, 2016. 29: p. 204-212. (IF: 3.6)
    44. Hsu, C.H., Reply to Letter to the Editor – Therapeutic effect of high-dose green tea extract on weight reduction: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Clin Nutr, 2016. 35(1): p. 239. (IF: 6.3)
    45. Huang, L.W., I.J. Chen, and C.H. Hsu, Influence of traditional Chinese medicine syndrome groups on quality of life in women with metabolic syndrome. J Tradit Complement Med, 2016. 6(4): p. 404-408. (IF: 4.5)
    46. Huang, S.J., S.S. Wang, O.K. Lee, L.C. Woung, D.C. Chu, T.C. Huang, C.K. Liu, S.H. Hsiao, H.M. Huang, M.J. Kao, W. Yang, T.W. Yang, C.H. Hsu, L.Y. Chi, L.L. Kuo, Y.S. Chang, T.F. Chiu, M.C. Huang, and J.R. Curtis, 2016 Taipei Declaration for Prevention of Suffering. J Palliat Med, 2016. 19(12): p. 1243-1244. (IF: 2.8)
    47. Liu, C.Y., J.Y. Chu, J.H. Chiang, H.R. Yen, and C.H. Hsu, Utilization and prescription patterns of traditional Chinese medicine for patients with hepatitis C in Taiwan: a population-based study. BMC Complement Altern Med, 2016. 16(1): p. 397. (IF: 3.9)
    48. Liu, C.Y., P.H. Ko, H.R. Yen, C.H. Cheng, Y.H. Li, Z.H. Liao, and C.H. Hsu, The Chinese medicine Kuan-Sin-Yin improves liver function in patients with chronic hepatitis C: A randomised and placebo-controlled trial. Complement Ther Med, 2016. 27: p. 114-22. (IF: 3.6)
    49. Lu, P.H. and C.H. Hsu, Does supplementation with green tea extract improve acne in post-adolescent women? A randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled clinical trial. Complement Ther Med, 2016. 25: p. 159-63. (IF: 3.6)
    50. Chang, S.C., C.H. Hsu, C.K. Hsu, S.S. Yang, and S.J. Chang, The efficacy of acupuncture in managing patients with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome: A systemic review and meta-analysis. Neurourol Urodyn, 2017. 36(2): p. 474-481. (IF: 2.0)
    51. Chien, T.J., C.H. Hsu, C.Y. Liu, and C.J. Fang, Effect of acupuncture on hot flush and menopause symptoms in breast cancer- A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One, 2017. 12(8): p. e0180918. (IF: 3.7)
    52. Lu, P.H., Y.L. Song, and C.H. Hsu, Ghrelin level negatively predicts quality of life in obese women. Psychol Health Med, 2017. 22(2): p. 162-171. (IF: 3.8)
    53. Tsai-Ju Chien1, Chung-Hua Hsu2,3, Shang-Chih Chang2,3, Yu-Yu Chang4 and Fang-Yu Li5, The Effect of Integrated TCM with Chemotherapy on Quali-ty of life and TCM Syndrome. Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Prevention, 2017. 3: p. 049. (IF: )
    54. Yu, K.C., H.T. Wei, Y.H. Yeh, and C.H. Hsu, Traditional Chinese medicine-facilitated treatments may relieve anxiety symptoms during drug switching from methadone to buprenorphine/naloxone for treating opioid dependence. BMJ Case Rep, 2017. 2017. (IF: 0.9)
    55. Chang, Y.Y., L.Y. Wang, C.Y. Liu, T.J. Chien, I.J. Chen, and C.H. Hsu, The Effects of a Mindfulness Meditation Program on Quality of Life in Cancer Outpatients: An Exploratory Study. Integr Cancer Ther, 2018. 17(2): p. 363-370. (IF: 2.9)
    56. Chen, I.J., Y.H. Yeh, and C.H. Hsu, Therapeutic Effect of Acupoint Catgut Embedding in Abdominally Obese Women: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. J Womens Health (Larchmt), 2018. 27(6): p. 782-790. (IF: 3.5)
    57. Huang, L.H., C.Y. Liu, L.Y. Wang, C.J. Huang, and C.H. Hsu, Effects of green tea extract on overweight and obese women with high levels of low density-lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C): a randomised, double-blind, and cross-over placebo-controlled clinical trial. BMC Complement Altern Med, 2018. 18(1): p. 294. (IF: 3.9)
    58. Chen, C.F., K. Hua, L.C. Woung, C.H. Lin, C.T. Chen, C.H. Hsu, S.W. Liou, and C.Y. Tsai, Expression Profiling of Exosomal miRNAs Derived from the Aqueous Humor of Myopia Patients. Tohoku J Exp Med, 2019. 249(3): p. 213-221. (IF: 2.2)
    59. Chen, C.T., C.H. Hsu, J.R. Liu, H.B. Wu, Y.S. Chou, and H. Hsiu, Comparison of complexity and spectral indices of skin-surface laser-doppler signals in patients with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy and Kuan-Sin-Yin. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc, 2019. 73(4): p. 553-563. (IF: 2.1)
    60. Hsu , C.-H., S.-C. Lin , K.-C. Hwang , P. Chou , and Y.-L. Liao Insulin concentration is the main predictor of leptin level: a homogenous type 2 diabetes cohort study in Taiwan. International Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism, 2019. 16(1): p. 13-16.
    61. Huang, K.Y., C.H. Hsu, K.C. Yu, Y.H. Yeh, K.C. Han, and H.T. Wei, Traditional Chinese Medicine-facilitated switch from methadone to buprenorphine-naloxone for treatment of heroin dependence: a case report. J Tradit Chin Med, 2019. 39(2): p. 281-284. (IF: 2.6)
    62. Li, L.H., J.S. Lin, H.W. Chiu, W.Y. Lin, T.C. Ju, F.H. Chen, O.V. Chernikov, M.L. Liu, J.C. Chang, C.H. Hsu, A. Chen, S.M. Ka, H.W. Gao, and K.F. Hua, Mechanistic Insight Into the Activation of the NLRP3 Inflammasome by Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Macrophages. Front Immunol, 2019. 10: p. 1815. (IF: 7.3)
    63. Chen, C.-T., C.-T. Ting, C.-Y. Chen, Z.-J. Lyu, C.-C. Chen, Y.-S. Chou, C.-F. Cheng, C.-H. Hsu, and H. Hsiu, PULSE-WAVEFORM AND LASER-DOPPLER INDICES FOR IDENTIFYING COLORECTAL-CANCER PATIENTS. Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, 2020. 33(01): p. 2150005. (IF: 0.9)
    64. Hsieh, C.Y., L.H. Li, Y. Lam, Z. Fang, C.H. Gan, Y.K. Rao, H.W. Chiu, W.T. Wong, T.C. Ju, F.H. Chen, O.V. Chernikov, M.L. Liu, C.H. Hsu, and K.F. Hua, Synthetic 4-Hydroxy Auxarconjugatin B, a Novel Autophagy Inducer, Attenuates Gouty Inflammation by Inhibiting the NLRP3 Inflammasome. Cells, 2020. 9(2). (IF: 6.0)
    65. Huang, K.Y., C.H. Chang, and C.H. Hsu, The efficacy of acupuncture for improving the side effects of COVID-19 western medicine treatments: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore), 2020. 99(28): p. e21185. (IF: 1.6)
    66. Huang, K.Y., C.J. Huang, and C.H. Hsu, Efficacy of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Elderly Patients with Hypertension in Home Health Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Altern Complement Med, 2020. 26(4): p. 273-281. (IF: 2.6)
    67. Li, L.H., T.L. Chen, H.W. Chiu, C.H. Hsu, C.C. Wang, T.T. Tai, T.C. Ju, F.H. Chen, O.V. Chernikov, W.C. Tsai, and K.F. Hua, Critical Role for the NLRP3 Inflammasome in Mediating IL-1β Production in Shigella sonnei-Infected Macrophages. Front Immunol, 2020. 11: p. 1115. (IF: 7.3)
    68. Yu, K.C., H.T. Wei, S.C. Chang, and C.H. Hsu, Efficacy of Electroacupuncture Combined with Auricular Point Pressing in Improving Mental Well-Being among Individuals with Heroin Use Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial and Pilot Study. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2020. 2020: p. 3748056. (IF: 2.65)
    69. Chan, P.W., J.H. Chiu, N. Huang, C.M. Chen, H. Yu, C.Y. Liu, and C.H. Hsu, Influence of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Medical Adherence and Outcome in Estrogen Receptor (+) Breast Cancer Patients in Taiwan: A Real-World Population-Based Cohort Study. Phytomedicine, 2021. 80: p. 153365. (IF: 7.9)
    70. Chen, C.C., S.P. Chen, S.Y. Lyu, and C.H. Hsu, Application of Auriculotherapy for Post-Burn Scar Syndrome in Young Adults with Major Burns. J Acupunct Meridian Stud, 2021. 14(4): p. 127-136. (IF: 1.0)
    71. Chiu, L.C., J.Y. Wang, C.H. Lin, C.H. Hsu, L.C. Lin, and S.L. Fu, Diterpenoid Compounds Isolated from Chloranthus oldhamii Solms Exert Anti-Inflammatory Effects by Inhibiting the IKK/NF-κB Pathway. Molecules, 2021. 26(21). (IF: 4.6)
    72. Ho, C.Y., A.C. Chang, C.H. Hsu, T.F. Tsai, Y.C. Lin, K.Y. Chou, H.E. Chen, J.F. Lin, P.C. Chen, and T.I. Hwang, Miconazole induces protective autophagy in bladder cancer cells. Environ Toxicol, 2021. 36(2): p. 185-193. (IF: 4.5)
    73. Huang, C.-W., H.-A. Ha, S.-C. Tsai, C.-C. Lu, C.-Y. Lee, Y.-F. Tsai, F.-J. Tsai, Y.-J. Chiu, G.-K. Wang, C.-H. Hsu, and J.-S. Yang, In Silico Target Analysis of Treatment for COVID-19 Using Huang-Lian-Shang-Qing-Wan, a Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula. Natural Product Communications, 2021. 16(10): p. 1934578X211030818. (IF: 1.8)
    74. Tran, D.N.H., I.H. Hwang, F.J. Chen, Y.P. Tseng, C.M. Chang, S.J. Tsai, J.L. Yang, T.P. Wu, C.H. Hsu, F.P. Chen, and Y.Y. Kung, Core prescription pattern of Chinese herbal medicine for depressive disorders in Taiwan: a nationwide population-based study. Integr Med Res, 2021. 10(3): p. 100707. (IF: 3.4)
    75. Tsai, C.Y., C.T. Chen, C.H. Lin, C.C. Liao, K. Hua, C.H. Hsu, and C.F. Chen, Proteomic analysis of Exosomes derived from the Aqueous Humor of Myopia Patients. Int J Med Sci, 2021. 18(9): p. 2023-2029. (IF: 3.6)
    76. Wu, H.A., C.H. Chen, M.H. Hsieh, Y.C. Wu, J.P. Chiu, C.J. Huang, and C.H. Hsu, The Benefit of Enhanced Daycare of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Cancer Treatment Related Adverse Events: A Retrospective Study of Medical Records. Integr Cancer Ther, 2021. 20: p. 15347354211025634. (IF: 2.9)
    77. Yu, K.C., H.T. Wei, S.C. Chang, K.Y. Huang, and C.H. Hsu, The Efficacy of Combined Electroacupuncture and Auricular Pressure on Sleep Quality in Patients Receiving Methadone Maintenance Treatment. Am J Addict, 2021. 30(2): p. 156-163. (IF: 3.7)
    78. Chang, Z.Y., H.M. Liu, Y.L. Leu, C.H. Hsu, and T.Y. Lee, Modulation of Gut Microbiota Combined with Upregulation of Intestinal Tight Junction Explains Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Corylin on Colitis-Associated Cancer in Mice. Int J Mol Sci, 2022. 23(5). (IF: 5.6)
    79. Huang, K.Y., C.H. Chang, K.C. Yu, and C.H. Hsu, Assessment of quality of life and activities of daily living among elderly patients with hypertension and impaired physical mobility in home health care by antihypertensive drugs plus acupuncture: A CONSORT-compliant, randomized controlled trial. Medicine (Baltimore), 2022. 101(11). (IF: 1.6)
    80. Ping, Y.H., H. Yeh, L.W. Chu, Z.H. Lin, Y.C. Hsu, L.C. Lin, C.H. Hsu, S.L. Fu, and T.Y. Lin, The Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Jing Guan Fang for Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Infection: From Clinical Observation to Basic Research. Front Pharmacol, 2022. 13: p. 744439. (IF: 5.6)
    81. Tran, D.N.H., H.F. Yeh, W.J. Huang, P.W. Wu, Y.J. Liao, S.J. Hwang, Y.Y. Kung, J.L. Yang, T.P. Wu, C.H. Hsu, and F.P. Chen, Efficacy evaluation of Chinese herbal medicine, VGH-BPH1, for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, and crossover study. J Chin Med Assoc, 2022. 85(5): p. 639-646. (IF: 3.0)
    82. Tsai, C.Y., C.T. Chen, H.H. Wu, C.C. Liao, K. Hua, C.H. Hsu, and C.F. Chen, Proteomic Profiling of Aqueous Humor Exosomes from Age-related Macular Degeneration Patients. Int J Med Sci, 2022. 19(5): p. 893-900. (IF: 3.6)
    83. Wang, C.H., H.M. Liu, Z.Y. Chang, M.C. Lee, C.H. Hsu, and T.Y. Lee, Antioxidants Rich Herbal Formula Ger-Gen-Chyn-Lian-Tang Protects Lipotoxicity and Ameliorates Inflammation Signaling through Regulation of Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Mitophagy in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Mice. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed), 2022. 27(8): p. 242. (IF: 3.1)
    84. Chen, C.T., C.F. Chen, T.Y. Lin, W.J. Hua, K. Hua, C.Y. Tsai, and C.H. Hsu, Traditional Chinese medicine Kuan-Sin-Yin decoction inhibits cell mobility via downregulation of CCL2, CEACAM1 and PIK3R3 in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. J Ethnopharmacol, 2023. 317: p. 116834. (IF: 5.4)
    85. Chen, C.T., T.W. Huang, Y.S. Chou, C.F. Cheng, H.B. Wu, C.H. Hsu, and H. Hsiu, Effects of anthracycline chemotherapy and Kuan-Sin-Yin on the spectral indices of arterial pulse waveforms in breast cancer patients. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc, 2023. (IF: 2.1)
    86. Chen, K.W., K.P. Chung, and C.H. Hsu, The intention of utilization and experience toward traditional Chinese medicine among breast cancer patients in the early and late stages: a qualitative study. BMC Complement Med Ther, 2023. 23(1): p. 226. (IF: 3.9)
    87. Chu, G.Y., C.C. Huang, N.H. Shih, C.H. Hsu, and C.Y. Wu, The 1450-nm Diode Laser Reduces Redness and Porphyrin Density: An Image-Based, Patient-Oriented Appraisal. J Clin Med, 2023. 12(13). (IF: 3.9)
    88. Chu, G.Y., S.M. Weng, C.C. Huang, W.C. Liang, and C.H. Hsu, Surrounding Needling and Narrowband Ultraviolet B Phototherapy Treatment: Synergistic Effects for Repigmentation in Chronic, Stable Nonsegmental Vitiligo. Altern Ther Health Med, 2023. 29(1): p. 96-103. (IF: 1.5)
    89. Liao, L.L., C.C. Wang, C.L. Wu, Y.S. Chu, Y.C. Chou, and C.H. Hsu, Poor Quality of Life in HIV-Infected Men Who Have Sex with Men is Associated with Excess-Type Constitution of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2023. 2023: p. 9445111. (IF: 2.65)
    90. Venuti, A.J., J.P. Chiu, K.C. Yu, S.C. Chang, S.Y. Lin, and C.H. Hsu, Chinese Herbal Fumigation Steam Therapy and Acupuncture in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Three-armed, Randomized, Controlled Trial. Altern Ther Health Med, 2023. 29(2): p. 243-257. (IF: 1.5)
    91. Pi-Wei Chan, Hung Yu, Chung-Hua Hsu, Chun-Yu Liu. Characteristics of early short-term traditional Chinese medicine in breast cancer patients: A population-based cohort study. J Chin Med Assoc. 2024 Jan 1;87(1):70-78. (IF: 3.0)
    92. Kai-Wei Chen, Kuo-Piao Chung, Chung-Hua Hsu. The intention of utilization and experience toward traditional Chinese medicine among breast cancer patients in the early and late stages: a qualitative study. BMC Complement Med Ther. 2023 Jul 7;23(1):226. (IF: 3.9)
    93. 許中華, 施玲娜, 林南宏, and 張世龍, 服用決明子方劑造成之結腸黑病變-病例報告. 中醫藥雜誌, 2000. 11(1): p. 31-35. [ACI] (IF: 0.259)
    94. 鄭振鴻 and 許中華, 上消化道病症感染幽門螺旋桿菌的舌溫與舌色之探討. 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌, 2002. 1(3): p. 67-82. [ACI] (IF: 0.147)
    95. 何彥頤, 陳建中, 謝抒玲, and 許中華, 從SARS來襲談時疫防治之道. 中國中醫臨床醫學雜誌, 2003. 9(3): p. 25-27. [ACI] (IF: 0.182)
    96. 何彥頤, 陳建中, 謝抒玲, and 許中華, 嚴重急性呼吸道症候(SARS)之中醫診治與臨床實例. 中國中醫臨床醫學雜誌, 2003. 9(3): p. 22-24. [ACI] (IF: 0.182)
    97. 許中華, 高尚德, 黃焜璋, 林昭庚, 鄭振鴻, 陳建中, 何彥頤, and 游大榮, 電針刺激對於肥胖者腰圍降低初步療效評估. 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌, 2003. 2(1): p. 5-40. [ACI] (IF: 0.147)
    98. 何彥頤, 徐蔚泓, 林兩傅, 許中華, and 陳建中, 腕隧道症候群(Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)之中醫整復觀. 中國中醫臨床醫學雜誌, 2004. 10(3): p. 249-251. [ACI] (IF: 0.182)
    99. 何彥頤, 許中華, and 陳建中, 子宮內膜異位(Endometriosis)之中醫診治. 中國中醫臨床醫學雜誌, 2004. 10(4): p. 316-320. [ACI] (IF: 0.182)
    100. 何彥頤, 鄭玉琴, 林兩傅, and 許中華, 損傷後之中醫整復. 中國中醫臨床醫學雜誌, 2004. 10(3): p. 252-254. [ACI] (IF: 0.182)
    101. 許中華, 黃焜璋, 趙崇良, 林昭庚, 周碧瑟, and SARS研究小組, 從衛、氣、營、血辦證分析SARS疾病傳變台灣本土證型分析(台北醫院病例). 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌, 2004. 3(1): p. 68-80. [ACI] (IF: 0.147)
    102. 王繼榮, 林兩傳, and 許中華, 針刺足腓肌群治療足底筋膜炎案例報告. 台灣中醫臨床醫學雜誌, 2006. 12(2): p. 338-344. [ACI] (IF: 0.182)
    103. 許中華, 黃焜璋, 趙崇良, 張俊寧, 何美鄉, and 周碧瑟, 中藥輔助治療急性呼吸道窘迫症候群初步療效評估:隨機、雙盲、對照之臨床研究. 中西整合醫學雜誌, 2006. 8(1): p. 13-25. [ACI] (IF: 0.188)
    104. 許中華 and 高尚德, Complementary and Alternative Medicine(CAM)臨床研究論文導讀與期許-(4). 中西整合醫學會會訊, 2007(8): p. 5-8.
    105. 許中華 and 高尚德, Complementary and Alternative Medicine(CAM)臨床研究論文導讀與期許-(3). 中西整合醫學會會訊, 2007(7): p. 6-8.
    106. 許中華 and 高尚德, 中西醫結合臨床研究論文導讀與期許(一). 中西整合醫學會會訊, 2007(5): p. 2-5.
    107. 許中華, 德國針灸研究醫學會講學之旅. 中西整合醫學會會訊, 2008(9): p. 2-6.
    108. 許中華 and 高尚德, Integrated Medicine臨床研究論文導讀與期許─具中醫辨證精神之研究(6). 中西整合醫學會會訊, 2008(10): p. 3-6.
    109. 林寬佳, 陳美麗, 葉美玲, 許中華, 陳逸倫, and 周碧瑟, 輔助與替代療法之使用及其相關因素之全國性調查. 台灣公共衛生雜誌, 2009. 28(1): p. 53-68. [TSSCI][ACI][Scopus] (IF: 0.258)
    110. 許中華, Touch Heart between Taiwan and Belgium─感謝老天的安排,讓我有機會認識比利時針灸醫學會的朋友 希望這只是開始. 中西整合醫學會會訊, 2009(14): p. 3-4.
    111. 楊佳峰, 許中嚴, 許中華, and 廖麗蘭, 經漏之中醫診療病例報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2009. 7(2): p. 60-69. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    112. 韓克文, 許中嚴, 許中華, and 廖麗蘭, 胃繞道術後納差腹脹之中醫診療病例報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2009. 7(2): p. 51-59. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    113. 吳幸真, 許中嚴, 彭美婷, and 許中華, 乳癌放療後肛門膿瘍之中醫診療-病例追蹤報告. 中醫藥雜誌, 2010. 21(3&4): p. 149-156. [ACI] (IF: 0.259)
    114. 李郁佳, 許中嚴, and 許中華, 乳癌術後接受Epirubicin、5-FU、Cyclophosphate治療後產生腸胃副作用之中醫診療病例追蹤報告. 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌, 2010. 9(4): p. 53-59. [ACI] (IF: 0.147)
    115. 徐從容 and 許中華, 卵巢癌術後中醫調理病例報告. 北市中醫會刊, 2010. 16(1): p. 75-81.
    116. 許中華, 印度傳統醫學之旅. 中西整合醫學會會訊, 2010(16): p. 6-8.
    117. 許中華, 尋找失落的中醫師宣言. 北市中醫會刊, 2010. 16(1): p. 34-36.
    118. 許中華, 張俊寧, 鄭振鴻, and 黃耀樟, 以中藥治療韋格納肉芽腫的壞死性肺膿瘍:3年追蹤病例報告. 北市中醫會刊, 2010. 16(1): p. 37-41.
    119. 林在裕 and 許中華, 雄性禿之中醫診療一病例追蹤報告. 中醫藥雜誌, 2011. 22(1&2): p. 115-120. [ACI] (IF: 0.259)
    120. 許嘉玲, 林偉樁, 邱榮鵬, and 許中華, 肺痿咳血之中醫診療病例追蹤報告. 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌, 2011. 10(4): p. 53-60. [ACI] (IF: 0.147)
    121. 吳承宗, 邱榮鵬, 黃伯瑜, 陳建宏, 陳重嘉, 劉佳祐, 陳怡如, 鄭振鴻, and 許中華, 大腸癌術後、化療療程結束後之中醫治療. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2012. 10(2): p. 59-66. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    122. 吳修安, 邱榮鵬, 黃伯瑜, 陳建宏, 陳重嘉, 劉佳祐, 陳怡如, and 許中華, 大腸癌合併肝臟轉移之中醫治療-病例追蹤報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2012. 10(2): p. 49-58. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    123. 林洋亦, 申一中, 吳建隆, and 許中華, 第三期肺部惡性腫瘤乾咳中醫治療. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2012. 10(2): p. 41-48. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    124. 許中華, 邱榮鵬, 黃伯瑜, 陳建宏, 陳重嘉, 劉佳祐, 陳怡如, and 鄭振鴻, 扶正中醫療法對癌症之療效評估. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2012. 10(2): p. 1-14. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    125. 許中華, 藍士哲, and 陳榮位, 卵巢腫瘤術後接受Carboplatin、Taxol治療後產生腸胃副作用之中醫診療病例報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2012. 10(1): p. 41-49. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    126. 許閣經, 邱榮鵬, 黃伯瑜, 陳建宏, 陳重嘉, 劉佳祐, 陳怡如, and 許中華, 肺腺癌患者化療副作用之中醫治療. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2012. 10(2): p. 32-40. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    127. 黃鳳玉, 唐慶齡, 林偉椿, and 許中華, C型肝炎急性發作之中醫診療病例追蹤報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2012. 10(1): p. 13-21. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    128. 楊佳峰, 陳攸旻, 邱榮鵬, 黃伯瑜, 陳建宏, 陳重嘉, 劉佳祐, 陳怡如, and 許中華, 下咽癌術後合併酒癮症候群之患者的中醫住院治療. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2012. 10(2): p. 15-31. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    129. 鄭立言, 林偉椿, 許中華, and 黃裕昌, 膽管癌之中醫診療病例追蹤報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2012. 10(1): p. 22-31. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    130. 吳宜芳, 陳怡如, 楊素卿, 廖麗蘭, and 許中華, 更年期症候群之中醫治療病案報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2013. 11(1): p. 61-71. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    131. 吳承宗, 許中嚴, 許中華, and 蔡文興, 毛刺合併針灸治療帶狀疱疹後神經痛-病例報告. 北市醫學雜誌, 2013. 10(1): p. 75-83.
    132. 沈蘊之, 楊佳峰, 陳怡如, 許中華, and 鄭振鴻, 中醫治療慢性肝炎之病例報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2013. 11(1): p. 51-60. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    133. 施睿宏, 曾鳳儀, 沈蘊之, 張東迪, and 許中華, 治療心悸症(Palpitation)之案例追蹤. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2013. 11(2): p. 9-16. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    134. 許中華, 劉佳祐, and 高培譯, 卵巢癌病人術後接受Carboplatin、Taxol產生的副作用之中醫住院病例報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2013. 11(2): p. 38-49. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    135. 虞凱強, 楊聞碩, 劉佳祐, 陳怡如, 邱榮鵬, and 許中華, 以扶正驅邪觀點治療非結核分枝桿菌所致之肺腫瘤. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2013. 11(1): p. 42-50. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    136. 劉佳祐, 陳怡如, 邱榮鵬, and 許中華, Impact of Metabolic Syndrome on Health-related Quality of Life and Obesity-related Hormone in Obese Women. 北市醫學雜誌, 2013. 10(3): p. 182-194.
    137. 蕭子賢, 吳修安, 林偉椿, 黃耀樟, and 許中華, 中藥結合針灸和小針刀治療臀大肌鈣化性肌腱炎病例報告. 中醫藥研究論叢, 2013. 16(1): p. 62-68. [ACI] (IF: 0.134)
    138. 白詩伃, 沈蘊之, 廖麗蘭, and 許中華, 崩漏之中醫治療一例. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2014. 12(1): p. 42-49. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    139. 吳尚恆, 黃浩瑞, 廖麗蘭, and 許中華, 多囊性卵巢造成月經後期之中醫治療. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2014. 12(1): p. 31-41. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    140. 黃健洲, 吳建東, and 許中華, 中醫治療慢性前列腺炎之病例報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2014. 12(1): p. 19-30. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    141. 蘇柏璇, 沈蘊之, 許中華, and 鄭振鴻, 中醫治療異位性皮膚炎之病例報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2014. 12(2): p. 59-70. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    142. 王儷餘, 劉佳祐, 邱榮鵬, 黃伯瑜, 陳建宏, 陳怡如, 簡采汝, and 許中華, 癌症病人中醫證型與營養狀況相關之分析. 北市醫學雜誌, 2015. 12(3): p. 42-55.
    143. 沈蘊之, 顏正中, 陳建宏, 陳秀惠, 管寧兒, and 許中華, 從中醫看癌末病人的安寧療護. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2015. 13(1): p. 72-87. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    144. 許中華, 沈蘊之, 李琪, 許麗娟, and 詹益宗, 探討:打脈難入門. 台灣中醫臨床醫學雜誌, 2015. 21(1): p. 19-29. [ACI] (IF: 0.182)
    145. 許中華, 黃裕昌, and 施志隆, 心痛之中醫治療病例報告. 北市中醫會刊, 2015. 21(1): p. 96-100.
    146. 許中華 and 黃鳳玉, C型肝炎急性發作中醫調理醫案報告. 北市中醫會刊, 2015. 21(2): p. 28-33.
    147. 許中華 and 黃鳳玉, 中醫治療效喘病例報告. 北市中醫會刊, 2015. 21(2): p. 21-27.
    148. 許中華 and 劉冠明, 風溼性心臟病的中醫調理. 北市中醫會刊, 2015. 21(3): p. 29-35.
    149. 陳建宏 and 許中華, 中醫師在安寧緩和醫療的角色與展望. 北市醫學雜誌, 2015. 12: p. 168-172.
    150. 舒傳賢, 沈蘊之, 陳建宏, 鮑俊蓓, 陳秀惠, and 許中華, 中醫進入居家安寧照護的案例經驗分享. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2015. 13(2): p. 74-81. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    151. 黃浩瑞, 吳修安, 瞿瑞瑩, and 許中華, 以中醫藥緩解大腸癌手術與化療後副作用之病例報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2015. 13(2): p. 21-35. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    152. 賴博政, 廖麗蘭, 楊素卿, and 許中華, 中醫治療經前症候群之病例報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2015. 13(1): p. 44-55. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    153. 顏正中 and 許中華, 中西醫整合醫療對於社區安寧療護實行的現況-病例報告. 北市醫學雜誌, 2015. 12: p. 157-160.
    154. 吳錦芬 and 許中華, 乙狀結腸癌手術切除後化療中之中藥調理. 北市中醫會刊, 2016. 22(1): p. 35-40.
    155. 林儀蒂, 黃伯瑜, 黃建榮, 邱榮鵬, and 許中華, 中西醫結合在醫院型家庭責任醫師制度試辦計畫的角色與展望. 北市醫學雜誌, 2016. 13(1): p. 106-111.
    156. 柯品豪, 廖紫含, and 許中華, 藥材鑑定及品質條件建立-以補氣單複方為例. 中醫藥研究論叢, 2016. 19(2): p. 15-25. [ACI] (IF: 0.134)
    157. 許中華, 如何正確掌握脈動. 首都中醫報導, 2016(31): p. 12-15.
    158. 許中華 and 陳建男, 小兒咳嗽中醫證治. 北市中醫會刊, 2016. 22(4): p. 15-18.
    159. 許中華 and 陳彥婷, 乙狀結腸癌化療後之中醫診療. 北市中醫會刊, 2016. 22(3): p. 21-25.
    160. 許中華 and 陳榮位, 卵巢腫瘤化療後腸胃副作用之中醫診療病例追蹤報告. 北市中醫會刊, 2016. 22(4): p. 19-23.
    161. 許中華 and 鍾佳潔, 攝護腺癌化療後產生腸胃副作用之中醫診療. 北市中醫會刊, 2016. 22(2): p. 9-14.
    162. 陳煒達 and 許中華, 中醫內科用藥治療水腫病案報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2016. 14(1): p. 23-32. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    163. 舒傳賢, 林儀蒂, 黃建榮, and 許中華, 中醫PGY受訓醫師在家庭責任醫師制度的學習. 北市醫學雜誌, 2016. 13(2): p. 272-275.
    164. 張伶祝, 梁雅惠, and 許中華, 某醫院中藥藥物不良反應研究及探討. 中醫藥研究論叢, 2017. 20(2): p. 41-50. [ACI] (IF: 0.134)
    165. 張雅涵 and 許中華, 試管嬰兒療程合併中醫調節月經治療月經過少之不孕症病例報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2017. 15(2): p. 70-82. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    166. 許中華, 中醫醫療機構負責醫師訓練計畫之現況. 醫療品質雜誌, 2017. 11(6): p. 49-55.
    167. 黃鈺翔 and 許中華, 中藥治療有乳癌病史患者之慢性腹瀉病例報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2017. 15(2): p. 58-69. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    168. 楊雅淳 and 許中華, 中醫治療甲狀腺良性結節病例報告. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2017. 15(1): p. 58-69. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    169. 虞凱強 and 許中華, 探討中醫在海洛因戒毒中扮演的角色. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2017. 15(1): p. 28-39. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    170. 廖麗蘭 and 許中華, 乳癌中西醫療法的探討. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2017. 15(1): p. 11-27. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    171. 林佳君, 吳淑芳, 許中華, and 李梅琛, 代謝症候群患者生活品質與中醫證型之關係探討. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2018. 16(2): p. 1-9. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    172. 施宏昇, 虞凱強, 張尚智, 黃奎祐, and 許中華, 中藥改善藥癮替代療法(美沙冬)之療效. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2018. 16(1): p. 1-14. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    173. 張尚智, 衛漢庭, 宋宛蓁, 趙品諭, and 許中華, 愷他命使用者之中醫體質分析. 中西整合醫學雜誌, 2018. 20(1): p. 9-19. [ACI] (IF: 0.188)
    174. 郭彥君, 張尚智, 張馨予, and 許中華, 中西醫結合治療酒精使用疾患文獻探討. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2018. 16(2): p. 10-25. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    175. 陳建仲 and 許中華, 第十屆常務理事及理事簡介. 中西整合醫學會會訊, 2018(41): p. 3-3.
    176. 黃奎祐, 葉裕祥, 謝惠婷, 李育賢, 黃伯瑜, and 許中華, 居家醫療整合照護之中醫經驗與展望. 中醫藥研究論叢, 2018. 21(2): p. 245-254. [ACI] (IF: 0.134)
    177. 謝惠婷, 林儀蒂, 黃伯瑜, 邱榮鵬, 黃建榮, and 許中華, 一末期失智個案之居家安寧照護經驗. 台灣家庭醫學雜誌, 2018. 28(1): p. 45-53. [ACI] (IF: 0.087)
    178. 林佳君, 吳淑芳, 許中華, 李梅琛, and 林英, 代謝症候群患者與中醫證型之差異分析. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2019. 17(1): p. 13-29. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    179. 許中華, 黃伯瑜, 邱榮鵬, 陳建宏, 葉裕祥, and 黃建榮, 中西整合全人照護-臺北市立聯合醫院林森中醫昆明院區之模式. 醫療品質雜誌, 2019. 13(4): p. 15-17.
    180. 趙品諭, 黃奎祐, and 許中華, 中醫居家照護病患之病種、體質及可行性之敘述. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2019. 17(1): p. 1-12. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    181. 張伶祝 and 許中華, 霍香正氣散對大腸癌術後與化療後之中醫體質量表(BCQ)問卷療效評估. 中醫藥研究論叢, 2020. 23(3): p. 55-64. [ACI] (IF: 0.134)
    182. 陳怡如, 葉裕祥, 蕭永基, 蔡惠珍, 黃琤, 許中華, and 劉慧康, Acupoint Catgut-embedding Therapy Attenuates Lipopolysaccharide-induced Inflammatory and Hypoglycaemic Responses and Mortality in Septic Mice. 中醫藥雜誌, 2020. 31(2): p. 50-69. [ACI] (IF: 0.259)
    183. 陳建宏, 吳修安, 謝明憲, 吳勇璋, 邱榮鵬, and 許中華, 肺癌患者經中醫門診延長照護後癌症治療副作用的改善成效. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2020. 18(2): p. 1-11. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    184. 許中華, 胃食道逆流之中醫治療. 消費者報導雜誌, 2021(482): p. 25-27.
    185. 陳柵君, 陳冠仰, and 許中華, 從情感事件理論探討負面事件對護理師情緒勞務、離職傾向及服務行為之影響. 健康科技期刊, 2021. 8(1): p. 1-15. [ACI] (IF: 0.194)
    186. 陳慈玉, 許中華, and 曾宣靜, 從「二陽之病發心脾,有不得隱曲,女子不月」分析張景岳之調經種子法. 中醫婦科醫學雜誌, 2021(27): p. 1-9. [ACI] (IF: 0.050)
    187. 陳慈玉, 許中華, and 黃伯瑜, 從《景岳全書.雜證謨.怔忡驚恐》探析焦慮症. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2021. 19(2): p. 25-32. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    188. 戴毓萱, 魏任宣, 陳建宏, and 許中華, 中藥減毒藥方(淨冠方)用於新冠肺炎確診家族追蹤分析. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2021. 19(2): p. 13-24. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    189. 謝明憲, 陳建宏, 吳修安, 吳勇璋, 邱榮鵬, and 許中華, 中醫整合治療改善大腸癌患者西醫治療後副作用之療效探討. 中西整合醫學雜誌, 2021. 23(1): p. 1-11. [ACI] (IF: 0.188)
    190. 吳勇璋, 吳修安, 陳建宏, 謝明憲, 邱榮鵬, 鄭鳳翔, and 許中華, 傳統中醫多元整合治療對乳癌病患西醫治療後副作用的緩解成效:回顧性研究. 中醫藥研究論叢, 2022. 25(2): p. 1-15. [ACI] (IF: 0.134)
    191. 邱榮鵬, 黃建榮, 黃伯瑜, and 許中華, 中西醫專責醫院之韌性防疫. 源遠護理, 2022. 16(2): p. 14-20. [ACI] (IF: 0.418)
    192. 陳品璇, 曾育慧, and 許中華, 中醫居家醫療之現況與展望. 台灣公共衛生雜誌, 2022. 41(1): p. 16-35. [TSSCI][ACI][Scopus] (IF: 0.258)
    193. 陳凱威, 雷才萱, and 許中華, 中藥淨冠方在COVID-19疫情間之使用感受與滿意度調查. 中醫藥雜誌, 2022. 33(2): p. 98-110. [ACI] (IF: 0.259)
    194. 謝明憲, 邱榮鵬, 黃建榮, 雷才萱, and 許中華, 新冠肺炎及類新冠肺炎者之證型分布及使用淨冠方之滿意. 中醫內科醫學雜誌, 2022. 20(2): p. 1-11. [ACI] (IF: 0.195)
    195. 許中華, 癌症預防與治療:中醫藥扶正之道. 消費者報導雜誌 517期 (2024/05) Pp. 51-53.


    1.新手癌友:平民小資療法(大塊文化 2013)
    2.脈的禮讚:許中華醫師的12堂脈學課,解五臟疾病與癌症之謎(天下生活 2015)
    3.癌症中西整合照護手冊(衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所 2015)
    4.寬心癌友:中醫調理不讓復發找上你(天下生活 2017)
    5.中醫臨床病例辨證彙編(漢珍數位圖書 2018)
    6.君臣佐使:妙用中醫~整合醫療新視野(天下生活 2021)
    7.扶正的力量:身動、心靜、靈安,提升正氣,恢復自癒力 (天下生活 2023)


    1. Traditional Chinese medicine in palliative care in Taiwan

      (Asia Pacific Hospice Conference 2021) 

    1. Jin-Yuan Lin, Jin-Ji Xu, Qin-Quan Han, Ji-He Gong, Zhong-Hua Xu. Automatic Chinese herb medicine powder formula dispensing system and Chinese herb medicine powder dispensing method. TW106115079/TW201842894A. 2018
    2. Chung-Hua Hsu, Shu-ling Fu, Tung-Yi Lin, Yueh-Hsin Ping. Herbal composition, preparation method thereof and method for preventing or treating respiratory disorder by administering the same. TW111144013/TW202339784A. Provisional application: 63/280,635. 2021.



  1. 台灣中醫師在中西醫合治COVID-19之經驗、看法與政策建議 (110/08/01-111/07/31)
  2. 替代治療藥癮者對美沙冬與中醫治療之認知與態度之質性研究 (109/08/01-111/07/31)
  3. 結合血壓波形量測分析與人工智慧判讀乳癌輔助偵測系統之開發 (108/08/01-01-110/12/31)


  1. 108年度確保中醫負責醫師主要訓練診所訓練品質計畫(108/01~108/12)
  2. 108年輔導中醫臨床技能評估模式及臨床教學實務訓練計畫 (108/01~108/12)
  3. 107 年度輔導中醫醫療機構負責醫師訓練品質提升計畫 (107/01~107/12)
  4. 107年輔導中醫臨床技能評估模式及臨床教學實務訓練計畫 (107/01~107/12)
  5. 106 年度輔導中醫醫療機構負責醫師訓練品質提升計畫 (106/01~106/12)
  6. 106年輔導中醫臨床技能評估模式及臨床教學實務訓練計畫(106/01~106/12)


  1. 探討植物園中的森林活動對療癒感受的影響 (110/03-110/12)
  2. 以植物園作為區域療癒活動場域可行性測試 (111/03-111/12)
  3. 森林活動對曾罹患新冠肺炎者之療癒感受測試 (112/06-112/12)


  1. 台灣HIV感染者的中醫證型探討 (108/01~108/12)
  2. 從病歷回顧分析使用中醫療法對美沙冬患者之成效 (107/01~107/12)


  1. 癌症病人診斷期別對中醫藥使用意向與經驗之初探:以乳癌為例 (110/02-110/08)
  2. 中醫定期義診在偏鄉的利用情形與病人評價初探 (108/09-109/08)
  3. 針炙輔助美沙冬替代療之成效評估研究 (106/05~107/12)


  1. 傳統醫學台東偏鄉服務計畫 (112/02/01~113/01/31) 






11.綠茶提煉物(EGCG)與肥胖相關hormone peptides之研究。
14.綠茶提煉物(EGCG)與肥胖相關hormone peptides之研究



110年畢業生:虞凱強(博)、陳玉紅艷(Tran Ngoc Hong Diem)(博)、黃奎祐(博)、張子瑜(博)、關中威(碩)、陳長青(碩)、
108年畢業生:文 安(博)、曾圓惠(碩)、褚億舜(碩)、張尚智(碩)、黃奕碩(碩)
104年畢業生:簡采汝(博)、呂柏萱(博)、黃莉雯(碩)、Ann Charis Tan(碩)
100年畢業生:簡采汝(碩)、李佳蓉(碩)、宋宥融(碩)、Anabelle Degaldo(碩)
